
Mink Survey

Mink Survey

The annual Mink survey is conducted from early May through late May from all known producers to measure inventories, production and value of production.

Respond Online

Click here to complete your survey online. Remember, you will need your unique survey code to sign in.

Program Content

The Mink survey measures pelt production by color class by selected States for the current and previous year, females bred and to be bred and the value of pelt production.


The industry uses the data to gauge current supplies of products available to consumers. For some commodities, the estimates are factored into public price discovery. Producers also use the data for business decisions. Economists and other analysts use the data to monitor the health of the industry and to compute the industry's contribution to the agricultural sector.


Data are collected and published annually.


NASS Regional Field Offices maintain a list of all known mink producers and use known sources of producers to update their lists. All known mink producers are mailed a questionnaire and given adequate time to respond by mail. Those who do not respond by mail are telephoned or enumerated in person. Care is exercised to account for all operations. Pelt market price data is obtained in June. Prices are collected at the point of first sale, before marketing costs are deducted.

Last Modified: 04/17/2024