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If you're looking for Statistics on Alabama Agriculture, you've come to the right place!

The Alabama Field Office of USDA'S National Agricultural Statistics Service works through a cooperative agreement with the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. It is responsible for providing accurate, timely, and relevant statistics on the State's important agricultural industry.

Agriculture is big business in Alabama. Production agriculture, including timber, rings up over $5 billion in farm gate sales each year. Alabama's broiler and egg industry accounts for nearly half of these receipts. Farm forest and commercial non-farm timber bring in over $900 million followed by cattle and calves, nursery and greenhouse products, cotton and peanuts with each over $100 million in sales. When considering the value-added activities such as food and timber processing, farm inputs, manufacturing, transportation, and retail sales, the dollar value of Alabama agribusiness annually exceeds $40 billion.

To find more Alabama agricultural statistics, return to the home page and click your way to the numbers!

And if you need similar statistics for other states or the United States, we have a quick link to get you those numbers as well.

Our sincere appreciation goes out to the many farmers and agribusinesses who voluntarily report on our surveys to make this information possible.

Last Modified: 11/19/2019