Florida Field Office Publications

Subscriptions to the following reports are available from FASS.
Available Publications/Reports
Code Title Domestic Foreign
900 Florida Agricultural Statistical Directory $5.00 $10.00
Combined annual summary of vegetables, citrus, field crops, livestock, and poultry; annually in July
010 Field Crops (11 issues) $10.00 $15.00
Monthly in-season field crops, sugarcane, and potatoes
020 Citrus & Tropical Fruits(22 issues) $15.00 $25.00
Monthly in-season production forecast, fruit maturity and size, weather damage reports, end-of-season production and value, Biennial Acres and Tree Inventory, Biennial Maturity Summary; avocado, lime, and lemon reports; Annual Citrus Summary; Biennial Tropical Fruit.
030 Vegetables (5 issues) $6.00 $12.00
In-season reports, acreage for harvest.
040 Livestock, Dairy & Poultry(16 issues) $12.00 $20.00
Livestock inventories, calf & pig crops, dairy production, cattle on feed, slaughter, layers, eggs, and hatch.
954 Broilers (52 issues) $18.00 $30.00
Weekly broiler type eggs set and chicks hatched.
955 Weather & Crop News(52 issues) $18.00 $30.00
Weekly summary of condition of crops, pasture, and cattle, progress of peanut crop (in season); includes weekly citrus harvested (in season).
060 Farm Labor (4 issues) $5.00 $8.00
Number of workers by type; wage rates by method of pay.
090 Prices & Cash Receipts(13 issues) $10.00 $15.00
Monthly prices received for farm commodities; annual cash receipts from marketings.
Annual Summaries - may be purchased separately:(specify current issue or next issue)
Summary Cost
Florida Agricultural Facts $5.00
Citrus (February) $3.00
Both summaries $7.00
Biennial Summaries
Summary Cost
Citrus Acreage & Tree Numbers $3.00
(December - even years)
Citrus Historic Maturity & Yield $3.00
(September - odd years)
Checks must be drawn on a U.S. Bank, made payable to USDA/NASS.

Mail to:

Florida Agricultural Statistics Service
P.O. Box 530105
Orlando, Florida 32853-9840

Last Modified: 11/19/2019